
Of Interest

The Post-Pandemic Real Estate Market

July 23, 2020

The coronavirus real estate market is tight. The lock downs brought new building to a virtual standstill. When properties are put on the market, they are going quick and often above listing price as buyers have fewer and fewer choices… Even though building has restarted, it’s slow-going as companies (and people) consider their exposure.
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Here’s How Multi-Family Developments Are Evolving To Meet New Demand

July 16, 2020

More and more our homes (apartments, condos) have become places where we live, work, play and socialize. The Great Quarantine underscored this for all of us… colors, lighting, sound, and even public areas are getting a re-look. Residents may want a “green” home option or one primarily designed for live/work… Market demands are changing and...
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Is It Time To Buy A Multifamily Investment Property?

July 10, 2020

The old rent vs. buy debate. Low interest rates might make buying a new house more appealing….but in a larger sense people are still turning to rentals for greater flexibility in living circumstances. And Millennials? They don’t want to be tied to a specific geographic location, necessarily. It could be work or just the romantic notion...
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Move Over, Texas. Florida is Now the No. 1 Moving Destination in America

June 11, 2020

This is good news for Orlando properties. Orlando is lower cost than South Florida, and the house prices are obviously cheaper. The distance from the ocean (about 100 miles) means less insurance and water intrusion risk. Orlando is a great place for you northerners!
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