
Of Interest

The State Of The Multifamily Real Estate Market Today

June 3, 2021

The past year, with the Coronavirus, has rocked the real estate market. This article talks about deals, competition, debt, returns and more. Of interest, the writer suggests that large deals are being overbid.
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Remote Work Has Changed a Lot

May 27, 2021

Remote work has changed a lot and it’s pretty clear we’re not all just “going back to normal” after COVID passes and it’s safe. According to a Gallup survey the majority of remote workers today are millennials, aged between 25 and 44 today, and 74 percent do not want to go back to the office...

How the $1.9T Stimulus Package Lifts Multifamily

May 20, 2021

Apartment residents and property owners will receive direct and indirect benefits from the $1.9 trillion Rescue American bill passed in February. Rent assistance due to COVID is among the most critical, arguably. Beyond that, funds dispersed to local government can be leveraged to keep people in their homes. This is beyond checks-to-consumers. It’s not perfect,...
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Build Affordable Homes

May 13, 2021

Habitat for Humanity is thinking big these days, building the largest multi-family project ever (for them) in New York City. While Habitat is knowns as a favorite charity of former President Jimmy Carter, it’s also known for building single-family homes with required sweat equity for those who want to find a home through them. Over...
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