
Of Interest

The Highs and Lows of Multi-Family

September 16, 2021

According to this writer citing 44 of the 50 largest metro areas broke records for prices. In 2021, there are apartment shortages across the country and rents are climbing at the fastest rate in decades, says Real Page. On the other hand, renters are being squeezed out of less expensive properties, leaving housing deficits...
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Healthy, Wealthy and Wise – Boomers Move to Senior Living

September 7, 2021

Throughout their entire lives Boomers haven’t just wanted much, they wanted more. That hasn’t changed as they transition into senior housing. They want all the amenities and then some, both the developed (Pilates workout spaces) and social (think wine and craft beer tastings). The luxury senior lifestyle market is growing and these seniors don’t just...
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Single-Family Home Rents Spike Amid Strong Multifamily Comeback

September 2, 2021

Multi-family housing rents grew $12 in May 2021, nearly one percent over the prior year, according to Yardi Matrix which provided comprehensive market intelligence tool for investment professionals. Growth based on demand continues to be hot in both metro and non-metro areas. A multi-family property investment continues to be a smart choice.
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Multifamily Remains Strong for Investors Amid COVID Disruption

July 29, 2021

If COVID didn’t get you sick, you’re probably sick of hearing about how it put everything on hold for 16 months. Except it didn’t. Throughout the pandemic, multi-family investments held value especially outside the urban areas, in part because of COVID-19 federal relief aid and programs.
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