
Of Interest

How Flexible Work Arrangements Will Impact Demand For Multifamily Amenities

October 14, 2021

Last week the news was about renters wanting more space, dedicated workspace for their remote working. This week, the talk is amenities. This article lists a number of things to consider in this new post-COVID world. People will need enhanced connectivity including high speed building wifi, teleconferencing and smooth wifi transitions with devices. Common areas and units need...
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Multifamily Design Adapts To Changing Work/Life Patterns

October 7, 2021

Before COVID, the apartment or condo was a sanctuary, a place to relax away from work, but according to this writer, that has changed. Coronavirus has jump-started the era of remote work. Now, renters of all ages are considering work from home space. As employers are more flexible about time and location, this will likely...
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More Than $40 Billion in Federal Rental Assistance Remains Unclaimed

September 30, 2021

Just over $4 billion has been distributed of the $46 billion allocated for renters and landlords. Some owners say there are too many strings attached to the money like preventing them from ousting difficult tenants. Then, there is the paperwork. Florida has expended two percent while New York scores none. There are clearly many issues...
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Multifamily Construction Picks Up in Smaller Cities

September 23, 2021

In the wake of coronavirus multi-family construction in smaller cities and suburbs has grown. According to this report, residential multi-family construction grew by more than 14 percent in small metropolitan cores. In small metro urban core growth surpasses 25 percent. Covid-19 has had a very real impact on real estate trends across the country.
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